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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. John 1:1-2 |
Articles Index Creation versus Evolution 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Page 3 The Evidence of Physics: Cosmos on a Razor's Edge Bill Bryson in "A Short History of Nearly Everything." In three minutes ninety-eight percent of all the matter there is or will ever be has been produced. We have a universe. It is a place of the most wondrous and gratifying possibility, and beautiful, too. And it was all done in about the time it takes to make a sandwich. It seems impossible that you could get something from nothing, but the fact that once there was nothing and now there is a universe is evident proof that you can. " Nobel Prize-winning Steven Weinberg in his book "The First Three Minutes": "In the beginning there was an explosion. Not an explosion like those familiar on Earth, starting from a definite center and spreading out to engulf more and more of the circumambient air, but an explosion which occurred simultaneously everywhere, filling all space from the beginning with every particle of matter rushing apart from every other particle. Within the tiniest split second, the temperature hit a hundred thousand million degrees Centigrade. This is much hotter than in the center of even the hottest star, so hot, in fact, that none of the components of ordinary matter, molecules, or atoms, or even the nuclei of atoms, could have held together." "The matter rushing apart, he explained, consisted of such elementary particles as negatively charged electrons, positively charged positrons, and neutrinos, which lack both electrical charge and mass. Interestingly, there were also photons: "The universe," he said, "was filled with light." As formulated by al-Ghazali, the argument has three simple steps: 1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause. 2. The universe began to exist. 3. Therefore, the universe has a cause. William L. Craig: "...Time and space are creations of God that began at the Big Bang. If you go back beyond the beginning of time itself, there is simply eternity. By that, I mean eternity in the sense of timelessness. God, the eternal, is timeless in his being. God did not endure through an infinite amount of time up to the moment of creation; that would be absurd. God transcends time. He's beyond time. Once God creates the universe, he could enter time." Craig goes on to explain that predictions about the Big Bang have been consistently verified by scientific data. He states that they have been corroborated by the failure of every attempt to falsify them by alternative models. Unquestionably, the Big Bang model has impressive scientific credentials...the Big Bang was not a chaotic, disorderly event. He states that it appears to have been fine-tuned for the existence of intelligent life with a complexity and precision that literally defies human comprehension. In other words, the universe we see today--and our very existence--depends upon a set of highly special initial conditions. This phenomenon is strong evidence that the Big Bang was not an accident, but that it was designed. For that reason theorists who are uncomfortable about this want to avoid the problem by trying to explain how you can get a universe like ours without these special initial conditions. They try to change the world according to their standards. If there is no God, then they do not have to answer for what they do or the lifestyle that they live! |